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Full Index (A-Z)
Self-Care Instructions
ACE inhibitors
Acetaminophen dosing for children
Aches and pains during pregnancy
Achilles tendon rupture - aftercare
Acne - self-care
After a C-section - in the hospital
After vaginal delivery - in the hospital
Aging changes in teeth and gums
Allergic rhinitis - self-care
Allergies, asthma, and dust
Allergies, asthma, and molds
Allergies, asthma, and pollen
Am I in labor?
Anal itching - self-care
Angina - when you have chest pain
Animal bites - self-care
Ankle fracture - aftercare
Ankle sprain - aftercare
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury - aftercare
Antihistamines for allergies
Antiplatelet drugs - P2Y12 inhibitors
Aspirin and heart disease
Asthma - control drugs
Asthma - quick-relief drugs
Asthma and school
Atopic dermatitis - children - homecare
Atopic dermatitis - self-care
Baby supplies you need
Back pain - returning to work
Back pain and sports
Bacterial vaginosis - aftercare
Bathing a patient in bed
Bathing an infant
Bathroom safety - children
Bathroom safety for adults
Bed rest during pregnancy
Being active after your heart attack
Being active when you have heart disease
Benefits of breastfeeding
Benign positional vertigo - aftercare
Bicycle safety
Bile acid sequestrants for cholesterol
Birth control pills - combination
Birth control pills - progestin only
Bland diet
Bleeding during cancer treatment
Blood transfusions
Breast milk - pumping and storing
Breast skin and nipple changes
Breastfeeding - self-care
Breastfeeding - skin and nipple changes
Bringing your child to visit a very ill sibling
Broken collarbone - aftercare
Broken kneecap - aftercare
Broken toe - self-care
Bruised rib care
Butter, margarine, and cooking oils
Calcium, vitamin D, and your bones
Can't sleep? Try these tips
Cardiac rehabilitation
Caregiving - medication management
Caregiving - resources - older adults
Caregiving - taking your loved one to the doctor
Caring for muscle spasticity or spasms
Carotid artery stenosis - self-care
Causes and risks for obesity in children
Central venous catheter - dressing change
Central venous catheter - flushing
Cervical cancer - screening and prevention
Changing your ostomy pouch
Changing your sleep habits
Changing your urostomy pouch
Child safety seats
Children and grief
Cholesterol - drug treatment
Cholesterol and lifestyle
Cholesterol testing and results
Choosing a skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility
Clear liquid diet
Closed reduction of a fractured bone
Closed reduction of a fractured bone - aftercare
Closed suction drain with bulb
Cold medicines and children
Colic and crying - self-care
Collateral ligament (CL) injury - aftercare
Colles wrist fracture - aftercare
Common symptoms during pregnancy
Communicating with someone with aphasia
Communicating with someone with dysarthria
Compression stockings
Constipation - self-care
Controlling your high blood pressure
Cooking without salt
COPD - control drugs
COPD - quick-relief drugs
COPD flare-ups
Counting carbohydrates
COVID-19 vaccines - what to expect
Cribs and crib safety
Daily bowel care program
Day to day with COPD
De Quervain tendinitis
Deciding to have knee or hip replacement
Deciding to quit drinking alcohol
Deep breathing after surgery
Defining overweight and obesity in children
Dementia - behavior and sleep problems
Dementia - daily care
Dementia - keeping safe in the home
Dementia and driving
Depression - stopping your medicines
Devices for hearing loss
Diabetes - foot ulcers
Diabetes - keeping active
Diabetes - preventing heart attack and stroke
Diabetes - taking care of your feet
Diabetes - when you are sick
Diabetes and alcohol
Diabetes and exercise
Diabetes eye care
Diabetes eye exams
Diabetes tests and checkups
Diet after gastric banding
Diet and eating after esophagectomy
Dietary fats explained
Diet-busting foods
Dislocated shoulder - aftercare
Dizziness and vertigo - aftercare
Drawing medicine out of a vial
Drinking water safely during cancer treatment
Driving and older adults
Dry mouth during cancer treatment
Dry skin - self-care
Dry socket
Eating extra calories when sick - adults
Eating extra calories when sick - children
Eating habits and behaviors
Eating out
Eating right during pregnancy
Elbow sprain - aftercare
Enlarged prostate - after care
Enteral nutrition - child - managing problems
Episiotomy - aftercare
Erection problems - aftercare
Exercise and activity - children
Exercise and activity for weight loss
Exercise, lifestyle, and your bones
Exercise-induced asthma
Exercises to help prevent falls
Exercising and asthma at school
Fast food tips
Feeding patterns and diet - babies and infants
Feeding patterns and diet - children 6 months to 2 years
Fire safety at home
Foot sprain - aftercare
Frozen shoulder - aftercare
Full liquid diet
Gastrostomy feeding tube - bolus
Generalized anxiety disorder - self-care
Genital herpes - self-care
Gestational diabetes - self-care
Getting out of bed after surgery
Getting your home ready - after the hospital
Getting your home ready - knee or hip surgery
Getting yourself healthy before surgery
Giving an IM (intramuscular) injection
Giving an insulin injection
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
Group B streptococcus - pregnancy
Gunshot wounds - aftercare
Halo brace
Halo brace - aftercare
Hamstring strain - aftercare
Hand fracture - aftercare
Headaches - danger signs
Health risks of alcohol use
Health risks of obesity
Healthy grocery shopping
Hearing loss and music
Heart disease - risk factors
Heart disease and depression
Heart disease and intimacy
Heart failure - fluids and diuretics
Heart failure - home monitoring
Heart failure in children - home care
Heel pain and Achilles tendonitis - aftercare
Helping your teen with depression
Hemodialysis access - self care
Hemovac drain
Herbal remedies and supplements for weight loss
High blood sugar - self-care
High-fiber foods
Hip flexor strain - aftercare
Hip or knee replacement - in the hospital after
Home apnea monitor use - infants
Home blood sugar testing
Home health care
Home isolation and COVID-19
Home safety - children
How and when to get rid of unused medicines
How to avoid exercise injuries
How to avoid overheating during exercise
How to breathe when you are short of breath
How to care for pressure sores
How to choose a health plan
How to choose a nursing home
How to give a heparin shot
How to prevent frostbite and hypothermia
How to read food labels
How to stop drinking
How to stop smoking: Dealing with a slip up
How to stop smoking: Dealing with cravings
How to treat the common cold at home
How to use a nebulizer
How to use an inhaler - no spacer
How to use an inhaler - with spacer
How to use your peak flow meter
Human bites - self-care
Ibuprofen dosing for children
Ileostomy - caring for your stoma
Ileostomy - changing your pouch
Ileostomy and your child
Ileostomy and your diet
Iliotibial band syndrome - aftercare
Immunizations for people with diabetes
Indwelling catheter care
Ischemic ulcers - self-care
Jejunostomy feeding tube
Jet lag prevention
Kegel exercises - self-care
Kidney stones - self-care
Knee braces - unloading
Kneecap dislocation - aftercare
Labyrinthitis - aftercare
Laceration - sutures or staples - at home
Lacerations - liquid bandage
Latex allergies - for hospital patients
Learn about gluten-free diets
Learn to manage your anger
Learning about depression
Leg or foot amputation - dressing change
Life after weight-loss surgery
Lifting and bending the right way
Living with a chronic illness - dealing with feelings
Living with a chronic illness - reaching out to others
Living with endometriosis
Living with hearing loss
Living with heart disease and angina
Living with uterine fibroids
Living with vision loss
Living with your ileostomy
Long-term complications of diabetes
Losing weight after pregnancy
Low blood sugar - self-care
Low FODMAP diet
Low-fiber diet
Low-salt diet
Lymphedema - self-care
Make peak flow a habit
Make the most of your doctor visit
Making everyday tasks easier when you have arthritis
Mallet finger - aftercare
Managing latex allergies at home
Managing menopause at home
Managing migraines at home
Managing pain during labor
Managing tension headaches at home
Managing your blood sugar
Managing your chronic back pain
Managing your depression - teens
Managing your weight gain during pregnancy
Managing your weight with healthy eating
Medicines for osteoporosis
Medicines, injections, and supplements for arthritis
Mediterranean diet
Meniscus tears - aftercare
Metatarsal stress fractures - aftercare
Minor burns - aftercare
Morning sickness
Moving a patient from bed to a wheelchair
Myths about drinking alcohol
Nail injuries
Nasal fracture - aftercare
Nasogastric feeding tube
Neck pain or spasms - self care
Nerve damage from diabetes - self-care
Oculoplastic procedures
Oral mucositis - self-care
Oxygen safety
Pain and your emotions
Palliative care - fluid, food, and digestion
Palliative care - managing pain
Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) - aftercare
Peripheral artery disease of the legs - self-care
Peripherally inserted central catheter - flushing
Phantom limb pain
Pin care
Piriformis syndrome
Portion size
Positioning your baby for breastfeeding
Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injury - aftercare
Postherpetic neuralgia - aftercare
Postural drainage
Preeclampsia - self-care
Pre-existing diabetes and pregnancy
Pregnancy and travel
Pregnancy and work
Premenstrual syndrome - self-care
Prenatal care in your first trimester
Prenatal care in your second trimester
Prenatal care in your third trimester
Preparing children for pregnancy and a new baby
Preterm labor
Preventing falls
Preventing head injuries in children
Preventing hepatitis A
Preventing hepatitis B or C
Preventing pressure ulcers
Problems sleeping during pregnancy
Prostatitis - bacterial - self-care
Pulling a patient up in bed
Pulmonary hypertension - at home
Radial head fracture - aftercare
Radiation therapy - skin care
Recognizing teen depression
Relaxation techniques for stress
Responsible drinking
Returning to sports after a back injury
Rib fracture - aftercare
Risks of underage drinking
Rotator cuff - self-care
Rotator cuff exercises
Sacroiliac joint pain - aftercare
Safe eating during cancer treatment
Saline nasal washes
Screen time and children
Self catheterization - female
Self catheterization - male
Self-testing for COVID-19
Shin splints - self-care
Shingles - aftercare
Shoulder separation - aftercare
Signs of an asthma attack
Simple, heart-smart substitutions
Sinusitis in adults - aftercare
Skilled nursing or rehabilitation facilities
Skin and hair changes during pregnancy
Skin flaps and grafts - self-care
Skin lesion removal - aftercare
Smoking and asthma
Smoking and surgery
Snacking when you have diabetes
Snacks and sweetened drinks - children
Snacks for adults
Snoring - adults
Spitting up - self-care
Staph infections - self-care at home
Stay active and exercise when you have arthritis
Stay away from asthma triggers
Staying safe at home
Steps to take before you get pregnant
Sterile technique
Storing your medicines
Strategies for getting through labor
Stroke risk factors
Subcutaneous (SQ) injections
Sun protection
Supporting your child with weight loss
Suprapubic catheter care
Surgical wound care - closed
Surgical wound care - open
Swallowing problems
Sweetened beverages
Tailbone trauma - aftercare
Taking antacids
Taking care of your new hip joint
Taking care of your new knee joint
Taking care of your vascular access for hemodialysis
Taking medicine at home - create a routine
Taking medicines to treat tuberculosis
Taking warfarin (Coumadin)
Talking to someone with hearing loss
Talking to your teen about drinking
Teenage pregnancy
Tests and visits before surgery
The day of surgery for your child
The day of your surgery - adult
The night before your surgery
The night before your surgery - children
Time outs
Timing of breastfeeding
Tooth decay - early childhood
Total parenteral nutrition
Tracheostomy care
Tracheostomy tube - eating
Tracheostomy tube - speaking
Traumatic events and children
Traveling with breathing problems
Tremor - self-care
Trigger finger
Turning patients over in bed
Type 2 diabetes - self-care
Types of ileostomy
Understanding the DASH diet
Urinary incontinence products - self-care
Urinary tract infection in girls - aftercare
Urinary tract infection in women - self-care
Urine drainage bags
Urostomy - stoma and skin care
Urostomy pouches and supplies
Using a cane
Using a walker
Using an incentive spirometer
Using oxygen at home
Using your shoulder after replacement surgery
Using your shoulder after surgery
Vacuum erectile devices for erection problems
Vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy
Vaginal bleeding in late pregnancy
Vaginitis - self-care
Varicose and other vein problems - self-care
Venous ulcers - self-care
Warning signs and symptoms of heart disease
Water safety and drowning
Weight gain after quitting smoking: What to do
Weight-loss medicines
Weight-loss surgery and children
Wet-to-dry dressing changes
What to bring to your labor and delivery
What to do after exposure to COVID-19
What to include in your birth plan
When you are drinking too much - tips for cutting back
When you have diarrhea
When you have nausea and vomiting
When you have urinary incontinence
When you need to gain more weight during pregnancy
When your baby is stillborn
When your baby or infant has a fever
When your child has diarrhea
Women and sexual problems
Wrist sprain - aftercare
Your diet after gastric bypass surgery
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